The Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform has concluded that a new approach to the defense resourcing process is required to better maintain the security of the American people. For many years the current PPBE process has ably supported U.S. national security. However, the security environment is rapidly evolving, and the current PPBE process is not capable of responding as quickly and effectively as needed to support today’s warfighter.

About Us
Congress established the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) Reform in Section 1004 of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act to examine the effectiveness of the Defense Department’s PPBE process.
The Defense Department uses the current PPBE system, first created in the early 1960s, to allocate Department resources to meet national security objectives. The Commission’s work focuses on finding ways to improve the PPBE process to enhance the United States’ ability to counter strategic competitors.
The Commission is comprised of 14 Commissioners who bring a wealth of experience across the congressional, defense, budgeting, acquisition, and innovation ecosystems. You can read about each of the Commissioners here. The Commission provided a Status Update in March 2023, an Interim Report in August 2023, and a Final Report in March 2024.